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Its time to go home...
After 13 months, I have decided to move back to Charlotte, NC. I actually had been contemplating the decision to return for several months, and had even reconsidered, deciding to remain in the DC metro area for another year. However, my heart said it was not going to be so. And, the decision on the part of my Parents to relocate to the Carolinas after having lived in Indiana for 35+ years, made my choice even more appropriate.
I left Charlotte in September 2008 after having lived there for 8 years. Desiring a change of scenery and not a new vision, led me away from the FIRST place in which I knew I was called. I came to DC/MD because I wanted to. Not because I had felt a release to leave Charlotte. I left out of frustration and disappointment in my, then, current circumstances. That was one of my biggest mistakes. Instead of facing things where I was, I ran. And it just made matters worse. Poor choices and a bit of naivety wreaked major havoc. It wasn't until I finally got fed up with things that the tide began to turn. Exhibiting the same actions and expecting different results should be the definition of insanity, if it isn't already.
I am so thrilled to be returning to my home. One of the major things I realized is that you never really know what something means to you until its gone. I feel I have gained a greater appreciation for Charlotte, and have a fresh vision for the new season that is ahead. Sometimes its best just to stand still when your emotions are running high, whether good or bad. I didn't heed that advice a year ago. When in doubt, don't make a move.
Sadly, I will be leaving behind a beautiful and sweet little boy, whom I have had the privilege and honor to care for over this past year. I am a full time nanny, and have been so completely blessed by my employers, and their entire family. I plan to remain in contact with them after I have relocated, as this little boy will have a permanent part of my heart, forever. I am thankful for understanding and generous and kind and loving employers who have blessed me immeasurably and allowed me into their lives and homes, and trusted me with their child. This is no small feat.
I will also be leaving behind a handful of wonderful new friends, as well as some established friends. They have all been special to me and I count it a privilege to know them. Being in the DC metro area has afforded me the opportunity to come in contact with so many phenomenal jazz musicians and singers and artists.....I feel my life has forever been enriched and my perspective and perceptions broadened. I loved jazz before I moved here, but it has become even more special to me than I ever imagined. It truly speaks to my soul. What a rich heritage this city possesses in jazz! I am blessed to have been surrounded by it, and immersed in it. It is now woven into the tapestry of my spirit.
I know that I am going home a changed woman....fresh, alive, and with a new vision!
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