Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Pope Francis I - First Latin American Pope

Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio became the 266th Pope this day, 
the first Jesuit, the first Latin American pope.  This is a new day.  
It has been said, "Nothing is impossible with God."  
Today, Pope Francis greeted us with gentleness, simplicity, softness, humility, 
and a commitment to the poor among us.  

 "Let's begin this journey, bishop and people, journey of brotherhood, 
love and trust among us," says new pope.

"Preach the Gospel at all times and when necessary use words."
~ St. Francis of Assisi

Coffee Klatch

Coffee Klatch

Do you know what this is?  Have you ever heard this term before?  My Momma and Grandma used to talk about having coffee klatches, and it was always such a mysterious idea, and then as I got older, I realized what they were talking about. Here you go:

Coffee klatch or coffee klatsch also kaf·fee·klatsch (k f-kl ch, -kläch, kô f-) n. A casual social gathering for coffee and conversation.

I much prefer saying that I was engaged in a coffee klatch rather than simply "grabbing coffee" with someone.  Seems so unfeeling and rushed to say "grabbing coffee."  Coffee is meant to be consumed slowly, enjoyed by every taste bud that makes its residence your tongue.  And it wasn't just about the coffee.  Its coffee AND conversation.  Not merely snatching your triple tall, extra hot, two splenda, no foam sugar free vanilla latte off the bar and bolting out the door to your next locale.  Its engaging with another human being, exchanging conversation, learning, listening, LIVING.  Building relationships. Imparting love and light, and receiving it in return.  Life is about living, breathing, bonding; joining others along this journey, sharing, and simply being a friend.  

Simple stuff.  

So today, I am off to have a coffee klatch with a new friend. 

You should too!


Can you SEE it?

This seems to be me, as of late....What about you?

On Rotation....Bill Evans

All evening, I was listening to this on Spotify. Check it out!

Post CAT-Nanny

For those of you who did NOT know, I am/was a nanny.  

(Image from

I've worked with kids since I was a kid....had my first babysitting job when I was 13, watching two little boys from my church who lived about a block behind my house in the neighborhood where I grew up.  I've been a coach, substitute teacher, teacher assistant, camp counselor, daycare teacher; pretty much working with kids of every age, from newborn into high school.  Not always easy, sometimes downright ugly.  But, I'm sure we all remember times when we were kids that we were downright ugly (and our parents could vouch for it in a hot second!)  

Needless to say, each opportunity I have had to work with kids over the years has taught me a lot about myself, relatively what its like to walk in the parent's shoes, and try to understand the mind of a child.  One of the major things I've learned over the years is that times have drastically changed from when I was a kid.  Some of the things kids get away with these days I NEVER would have gotten away with when I was their age. Nope. Times have changed.

How do we help kids become the best that they can be, reaching their highest potential?  (No, I'm not going into some long, drawn out explanation of child psychology and empowerment,) BUT, it does begin with wide open lines of communication and establishing your role as the adult, parent, caregiver, authoritarian, and teacher, etc.  When there are clearly defined roles, boundaries, and opportunities for kids to learn, they feel secure and empowered (Ok, so a teeny bit of an empowerment speech!) to be their authentic self, even at a young age.  

When you establish yourself as the adult, decision maker, or authority, that provides kids with a point of reference when they have questions or feel unsafe, or are simply navigating life.  This is not a dictator role you're playing.  But you are the leader, as the adult, not the friend or peer.  You can do this with all compassion and love. 
Love them AND lead them. 

Religion, Politics, and the Golden Rule

Folks say that the two topics that will NOT necessarily win friends and influence people are religion and politics.  You're not to discuss them with potential mates or family members around the holidays, unless you are looking to ruin perfectly good relationships, or the possibility of one.  Why are these two topics so divisive in our society?  Why is it, when religion and politics come together in one conversation, or Facebook post or Tweet, it tends to set off the vilest of responses?  I grew up in the church.  Anytime the doors were open, my Momma jokes, I was there.  That was my safe haven.  It was the one place I knew I could go where I felt safe from all harm and personal attacks from bullies and naysayers.  This is not the case any longer.  It has become, in my opinion, one of THE MOST unsafe places in our society.  

It used to be a place where healing took place.  Ok, so maybe I'm generalizing about 'all' churches, which, is most likely not the case.  But, the overwhelming response coming out of the Christian community these days is one of hate and intolerance.  Political conservatives, whether on the right, the left, or in the middle (if that's possible), are hell bent on slamming anyone with a differing opinion.  Who cares about an open discussion.  Let's just slam and slander.  Why is that?  The one community crying out for tolerance the loudest is the Christian community, and they have become, one of THE MOST intolerant communities in our society.  The church's stance on abortion, gay rights, social justice, and equality scream intolerance.  I want to scream back, "IT'S NOT JUST ABOUT YOU!"  (I know I'm not going to win any 'favor points' with my Christian friends on this one, but I'm being honest and transparent about what I've seen and experienced.)  At what point did we decide it was our job to sit in God's seat and begin judging each and every person's life and the decisions they make?  Does it not say in the Bible, "Judge not..." in Matthew 7?  Call it moral relativism, I really don't care.  What I do care about is that we are called and commanded to LOVE. Simple stuff, really.  Not hate.  Not slander.  Not vile words.  Not personal attacks. 

If you don't agree with someone's opinion, or how they live their life, don't judge, take the time to learn about them and WHY they believe what they believe.  Don't let the first words that come out of your mouth be full of hate and contempt for someone you most likely do not know.  Apply the Golden Rule.....yep, it still exists, and its still relevant.  Always will be.  Do you remember what it is?  Let me remind you....

My parents taught me as a child that if I didn't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all.  I believe many problems in society today could be remedied if we would simply remember those nuggets of wisdom.  Just because we have an opinion about something, doesn't mean we have to open our mouths and share it.  We don't corner the market on all knowledge.  Sometimes its best just to keep our mouths shut.  
And listen.  And learn.  And LOVE.

"Things Done Changed..."

Like a dear friend recently wrote on their blog, "Things done changed."

Welcome back to CAT's blog, or should I say, welcome back to ME.  Its been, OH MY GOSH, 2 years since my last post....SERIOUSLY??  That can't be.  Let me look at my blog timeline again.  OMG. May 21, 2011 was the date of my last post.  Way too long.

So, please forgive me for my delay. 

Much has transpired since May 2011.  I was just starting my journey through graduate school, pursuing my MBA in Public Administration, and looking for a job after being unemployed for nearly seven months.  In November of 2011, I decided to take a leap of faith and put to good use the 15+ years of administrative experience I had gained.  Catalyst Unlimited, Inc. was launched, and my life began to change.  

Never once, in my wildest dreams did I see myself as a small business owner.  Graduate school was never in those dreams either.  Clearly, I need to dream bigger!  Catalyst is a Virtual Assistant firm, assisting businesses and individuals with various administrative tasks, project management, and event planning.  I have absolutely loved working for myself, meeting other business owners from so many varying industries and arenas.  Its been a slow start, but the opportunities are there, and I just need to be diligent, and patient, and seek out every opportunity.  

Graduation takes place (actually walking in the ceremony) in May, and then I'll have 2 more Summer courses to complete before my diploma is mailed to me.  Hard to believe its already been over 2 years since I began graduate school.  It will be nice to be finished.

This past September, 2012, the Democratic National Convention was held here in Charlotte, and I had the great opportunity to attend the Women's Caucus meetings held at the Charlotte Convention Center.

I had the amazing honor and privilege to hear the incredible female leaders in our nation, both in the public and private sector.  On Tuesday during the DNC, I sat in the 2nd row, soaking up the words of:

 Cecile Richards - President of Planned Parenthood

Kathleen Sibelius - United States Secretary of Health & Human Services

Donna Brazile - MY FAVORITE: Vice-Chair of the Democratic National Committee 
& Democratic Strategist

Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi - Senate Majority Leader

Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz - (D-FL) and the 
Chair of the Democratic National Committee

Valerie Jarrett - Senior Advisor to President Barack Obama

I also had the honor of meeting the Vice-Chair of the Democratic Party 
of the State of Georgia, Sally Rosser...
as well as 2 strong, intelligent, and beautiful delegates from their state: 
Ashley Lee and Michelle Cooper Kelly
The icing on the cake came when two very special visitors joined us on the second day of the Women's Caucus:
Dr. Jill Biden and First Lady Michelle Obama
 Dr. Jill Biden

I had the great honor of shaking both of their hands at the conclusion of the meeting, with First Lady looking directly into my eyes as she held my hand, asking "Are you ready to go?"  And without wavering, I responded, "Yes I am!"  It was the most surreal moment of my life, and one that I will not quickly forget. 

I have always loved and been intrigued by politics and political commentary, but the week the DNC came to town solidified it all for me.  Confirmed to me that my choice of Public Administration as my MBA specialization was the PERFECT one!  I have the opportunity to apply for a 2 year paid fellowship, working with a federal government agency, following graduation.  It would be incredible to be a part of the work of President Obama's Administration! 

School, building Catalyst, and working a part time job has been my focus for the past 2+ years.  Not much else can be crammed into my day, other than a few monthly Charlotte City Council meetings, and the potential seat on the Community Relations Committee for the City.  Final vote on my nomination is March 25th, so I'll keep you all posted.  It would be my first step into the world of public administration.  
We will stay tuned!

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Mr. Gregory Porter....

So, I had basically snoozed on this gentleman for the past year or so since he's been on EVERYONE'S radar....rave reviews, everyone loves Mr. Porter's deep, baritone voice, yada, yada, yada....I'm not a huge fan of vocal jazz.  I'm just not. I have a few friends who are amazingly, talented jazz vocalists, and I could listen to them for countless hours.  However, I wasn't at a place in my life that I was ready to let another vocalist into my jazz heart.

That changed 2 weeks ago when Wynton Marsalis and the Jazz at Lincoln Center Orchestra performed "Blood on the Fields" at the Rose Room, and I was tuned in via JALC Live Webcasts.  Mr. Gregory Porter performed several songs throughout the evening, gaining my respect, and a new fan.  If you have not heard this gentleman, make sure you do so in the very near future.