Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Religion, Politics, and the Golden Rule

Folks say that the two topics that will NOT necessarily win friends and influence people are religion and politics.  You're not to discuss them with potential mates or family members around the holidays, unless you are looking to ruin perfectly good relationships, or the possibility of one.  Why are these two topics so divisive in our society?  Why is it, when religion and politics come together in one conversation, or Facebook post or Tweet, it tends to set off the vilest of responses?  I grew up in the church.  Anytime the doors were open, my Momma jokes, I was there.  That was my safe haven.  It was the one place I knew I could go where I felt safe from all harm and personal attacks from bullies and naysayers.  This is not the case any longer.  It has become, in my opinion, one of THE MOST unsafe places in our society.  

It used to be a place where healing took place.  Ok, so maybe I'm generalizing about 'all' churches, which, is most likely not the case.  But, the overwhelming response coming out of the Christian community these days is one of hate and intolerance.  Political conservatives, whether on the right, the left, or in the middle (if that's possible), are hell bent on slamming anyone with a differing opinion.  Who cares about an open discussion.  Let's just slam and slander.  Why is that?  The one community crying out for tolerance the loudest is the Christian community, and they have become, one of THE MOST intolerant communities in our society.  The church's stance on abortion, gay rights, social justice, and equality scream intolerance.  I want to scream back, "IT'S NOT JUST ABOUT YOU!"  (I know I'm not going to win any 'favor points' with my Christian friends on this one, but I'm being honest and transparent about what I've seen and experienced.)  At what point did we decide it was our job to sit in God's seat and begin judging each and every person's life and the decisions they make?  Does it not say in the Bible, "Judge not..." in Matthew 7?  Call it moral relativism, I really don't care.  What I do care about is that we are called and commanded to LOVE. Simple stuff, really.  Not hate.  Not slander.  Not vile words.  Not personal attacks. 

If you don't agree with someone's opinion, or how they live their life, don't judge, take the time to learn about them and WHY they believe what they believe.  Don't let the first words that come out of your mouth be full of hate and contempt for someone you most likely do not know.  Apply the Golden Rule.....yep, it still exists, and its still relevant.  Always will be.  Do you remember what it is?  Let me remind you....

My parents taught me as a child that if I didn't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all.  I believe many problems in society today could be remedied if we would simply remember those nuggets of wisdom.  Just because we have an opinion about something, doesn't mean we have to open our mouths and share it.  We don't corner the market on all knowledge.  Sometimes its best just to keep our mouths shut.  
And listen.  And learn.  And LOVE.

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