Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Coffee Klatch

Coffee Klatch

Do you know what this is?  Have you ever heard this term before?  My Momma and Grandma used to talk about having coffee klatches, and it was always such a mysterious idea, and then as I got older, I realized what they were talking about. Here you go:

Coffee klatch or coffee klatsch also kaf·fee·klatsch (k f-kl ch, -kläch, kô f-) n. A casual social gathering for coffee and conversation.

I much prefer saying that I was engaged in a coffee klatch rather than simply "grabbing coffee" with someone.  Seems so unfeeling and rushed to say "grabbing coffee."  Coffee is meant to be consumed slowly, enjoyed by every taste bud that makes its residence your tongue.  And it wasn't just about the coffee.  Its coffee AND conversation.  Not merely snatching your triple tall, extra hot, two splenda, no foam sugar free vanilla latte off the bar and bolting out the door to your next locale.  Its engaging with another human being, exchanging conversation, learning, listening, LIVING.  Building relationships. Imparting love and light, and receiving it in return.  Life is about living, breathing, bonding; joining others along this journey, sharing, and simply being a friend.  

Simple stuff.  

So today, I am off to have a coffee klatch with a new friend. 

You should too!


1 comment:

  1. Woo-hoo CareBear! You have updated your blog AND taught me a new saying! 100 points for you!!
