Monday, October 19, 2009


'And let your best be for your friend...'

Eric Reed & Dwayne Burno

Dwayne Burno and Me

Friendship IXX by Khalil Gibran

And a youth said, "Speak to us of Friendship."
Your friend is your needs answered.
He is your field which you sow with love and reap with thanksgiving.
And he is your board and your fireside.
For you come to him with your hunger, and you seek him for peace.
When your friend speaks his mind you fear not the "nay" in your own mind, nor do you withhold the "ay."
And when he is silent your heart ceases not to listen to his heart;
For without words, in friendship, all thoughts, all desires, all expectations are born and shared, with joy that is unacclaimed.
When you part from your friend, you grieve not;
For that which you love most in him may be clearer in his absence, as the mountain to the climber is clearer from the plain.
And let there be no purpose in friendship save the deepening of the spirit.
For love that seeks aught but the disclosure of its own mystery is not love but a net cast forth: and only the unprofitable is caught.
And let your best be for your friend.
If he must know the ebb of your tide, let him know its flood also.
For what is your friend that you should seek him with hours to kill?
Seek him always with hours to live.
For it is his to fill your need, but not your emptiness.
And in the sweetness of friendship let there be laughter, and sharing of pleasures.
For in the dew of little things the heart finds its morning and is refreshed.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

An Evening with Friends

Once in a while you meet people and you just 'click.' You get that feeling that you've known them for years and there's an instantaneous settled notion that you're with family. I felt this way last night after meeting Mr. Eric Reed. Phenomenal musician, sincere man, and passionate about 3 things (in my best understanding): music, people, and the Lord. Maybe not in that specific order, but you're not with him just a couple of moments and these things become keenly evident. What a blessing when you find such a person and they are your friend. They are truly a gift, to you and to the world in which they inhabit.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Eric Reed: Celebrating Monk's Birthday

Smoke Jazz & Supper Club
2751 Broadway
NY, NY 10025

Friday & Saturday
October 16th & 17th
8pm, 10pm, 11:30pm shows

"When you think of hard-driving swing, daring expression, sophistication and elegance in artistry, formidable technique and a thunderous sound, there are only a small handful of pianists you think of and one of them is most assuredly ERIC SCOTT REED."
(Artist Bio:

Eric Reed will be performing at Smoke Jazz & Supper Club in NYC, October 16th & 17th, as the Thelonious Monk Birthday Tribute. I will have the great privilege and honor to attend one of the shows on this coming Saturday night and I am sure it will be a wonderful time!

I have had the pleasure to get to know Eric, as well as you possibly can, through the social networking site Facebook. And, although I know "cognitively" that he is an amazing artist with a tremendous resume of playing with a great many legendary jazz musicians in the world, I am not overcome by this fanaticism regarding his presence or his music. Don't get me wrong, he is a phenomenal pianist, but to me, he has become a friend...he is just a man with an extraordinary talent. I am more thrilled with the idea that I will finally be able to meet the person, Eric Reed.

There are many things I appreciate about Eric, first and foremost, is his great passion for the Lord, and his unwillingness to yield or compromise his core beliefs and integrity. He speaks with candor and sensitivity, with a heart for education and greater understanding. I believe he endeavors to be like Jesus in every way, bringing people from darkness into the light, through his words and music. I believe it is the way he has chosen to live his life, with Jesus as his foundation, that has caused him to be so wonderfully blessed in his career, and favored in his journey.

I have been personally blessed by his willingness to share his vast musical knowledge, insight, and experiences in jazz. He has opened up my eyes and ears to musicians and their music that I never knew existed, and helped me gain appreciation for jazz that goes beyond the surface expression, 'Wow, that sounds nice.' He has encouraged me to study and research the great history of the music and in turn has broadened the spectrum of my learning. Through this, I have gained a great passion for jazz that will be an eternal love. And for that, I will be forever grateful.

If you have never heard Mr. Eric Reed, I encourage you to visit his website. You will be able to listen to some of his music, read about his experiences, and see where he will be performing next. I guarantee, you will not be disappointed. Mr. Reed is the real deal.

Happy listening!!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Insanely Amazing Musicians

Watch Mr. Dana Hall on the drums....the epitome of intense.

My Personal Theme Song!

Friday, October 2, 2009

Charlie...the sweetest little boy!

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Its time to go home...

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Its time to go home...

After 13 months, I have decided to move back to Charlotte, NC. I actually had been contemplating the decision to return for several months, and had even reconsidered, deciding to remain in the DC metro area for another year. However, my heart said it was not going to be so. And, the decision on the part of my Parents to relocate to the Carolinas after having lived in Indiana for 35+ years, made my choice even more appropriate.

I left Charlotte in September 2008 after having lived there for 8 years. Desiring a change of scenery and not a new vision, led me away from the FIRST place in which I knew I was called. I came to DC/MD because I wanted to. Not because I had felt a release to leave Charlotte. I left out of frustration and disappointment in my, then, current circumstances. That was one of my biggest mistakes. Instead of facing things where I was, I ran. And it just made matters worse. Poor choices and a bit of naivety wreaked major havoc. It wasn't until I finally got fed up with things that the tide began to turn. Exhibiting the same actions and expecting different results should be the definition of insanity, if it isn't already.

I am so thrilled to be returning to my home. One of the major things I realized is that you never really know what something means to you until its gone. I feel I have gained a greater appreciation for Charlotte, and have a fresh vision for the new season that is ahead. Sometimes its best just to stand still when your emotions are running high, whether good or bad. I didn't heed that advice a year ago. When in doubt, don't make a move.

Sadly, I will be leaving behind a beautiful and sweet little boy, whom I have had the privilege and honor to care for over this past year. I am a full time nanny, and have been so completely blessed by my employers, and their entire family. I plan to remain in contact with them after I have relocated, as this little boy will have a permanent part of my heart, forever. I am thankful for understanding and generous and kind and loving employers who have blessed me immeasurably and allowed me into their lives and homes, and trusted me with their child. This is no small feat.

I will also be leaving behind a handful of wonderful new friends, as well as some established friends. They have all been special to me and I count it a privilege to know them. Being in the DC metro area has afforded me the opportunity to come in contact with so many phenomenal jazz musicians and singers and artists.....I feel my life has forever been enriched and my perspective and perceptions broadened. I loved jazz before I moved here, but it has become even more special to me than I ever imagined. It truly speaks to my soul. What a rich heritage this city possesses in jazz! I am blessed to have been surrounded by it, and immersed in it. It is now woven into the tapestry of my spirit.

I know that I am going home a changed woman....fresh, alive, and with a new vision!

Simply delicious...


Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Thoughts on 'Connection'; Need vs. Necessity

As a Christian, I believe God created us with a need for connection with others, be it relational or professional, romantic or platonic. At its core is a desire to know and be known; we were created for fellowship, with God and man.

However, because we are human, sometimes the need for that connection becomes unhealthy and our judgment gets clouded. We begin opening ourselves up to people who were never a consideration before; simply because we are lonely, or we're lacking love and affection, or our finances are in disarray, or maybe we lost our job and someone offers to help. Whatever the case may be, we allow ourselves to be vulnerable to someone who has no business being in our life. Please hear me, this is neither a male nor female issue...this is a HUMAN issue.

At first everything is great, our needs are being met, we're feeling better about ourselves and our situation. But, after some time, it could be a few days or a few years, its not so good anymore. Conversation begins waning, promises are broken, there are strings attached to the help being offered. You realize the other person is no longer giving, unselfishly, but taking, selfishly. Hidden agendas are revealed where you thought a genuine desire to offer assistance previously existed. Love is taken for granted. You recognize that you have sacrificed so much of yourself, your time, emotions, affections, attention, self-worth & self-respect. You don't know yourself any longer. You find yourself in a place spiritually, that you never expected you would be. You wonder why you allowed this to happen. You wish you could go back to the way life was before you met this person. Life really wasn't quite as bad as you thought. The grass ain't always greener on the other side. You're hurt, broken, disappointed, emotionally spent, physically drained, confused, disillusioned about people and motives.

You can do one of two things: 1) you can stay in that place of brokenness and self pity, most likely poisoning any future attempts at REAL connection; or 2) you pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and make a commitment, to yourself and God, that you will learn from this mistake and CHOOSE no longer to let your need or emotions dictate your actions.

I will admit, I have been in this position before, and its not easy to walk away, especially when you feel your need is great. However, you MUST realize, your WORTH is greater, and you deserve to be treated with so much more respect. The right people are out there with whom you can be involved in healthy connections. You are loved by a GREAT God who wants only the best for you, and has only the best for you. You must want it too. AND, you must seek Him for it.

Don't settle.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

I took these two flower photos on my walk today with the little boy I care for (I'm a full time Nanny.) I am enthralled by pretty pinkies!

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Gone to Carolina...

Meet the tangible expression of my wild side! How fun would it be to ride this beautiful piece of machinery?! My Dad owns a cruiser that he and my Momma get out on. I have been a rider on the backside, but had never thought of owning one myself....until I saw this beauty! Pink and black with pink neon lights. Heavenly! One day, this will be mine! Watch out!


(written 12.05.09)

Life is full of choices.
Are we lead from within,
Or do we listen to the voices?

Mistakes are a part of the game.
Do we embrace them as education,
Or find some way to place blame?

Joy is found in life's simplest pleasures.
Can we become like an innocent child,
Or do we choose to miss out on priceless treasures?

Opportunities are presented to us every day.
Do we have the courage to accept them,
Or does our fear force us to push them away?

Living is more than breathing.
Have we become like robots,
Or can we release ourselves completely to find the true meaning?


Saturday, August 1, 2009

Ahmad Jamal...Poinciana

Unfortunately, this is not the original version recorded by Ahmad Jamal, which included Israel Crosby on bass and Vernell Fournier on drums. The original, written by Nat Simon and Buddy Bernier in 1936, was recorded in 1958 by Ahmad Jamal. It was based on a traditional Cuban folk song, "Cancion Del Arbol" (Song of the Tree), with Spanish lyrics by Manuel Lliso. Benny Carter, Bing Crosby, and Glenn Miller all recorded it in the early 40s, but Jamal's version became the standard. It can be found on the album At the Pershing: But Not for Me for the Chess Record label. Enjoy!

Hope on a Tightrope by Dr. Cornel West

This is a fantastic book by Dr. West. After hearing him speak at my former church in Charlotte, I became interested in his writings and the things he shared. He is able to bring together the intellectual, spiritual, political, and relational in a way to make it all cohesive and extremely understandable. I can't help but be inspired to think differently, live differently, look at the world differently, and relate differently to everything and everyone around me. We are in a day and age that we must aspire to and attain a higher level of more settling for the status quo. We MUST go higher! Dr. West's book, Hope on a Tightrope, is a book you must have in your collection. I sat in a bookstore coffee shop reading it for 3 1/2 hours....bought it for a friend, but also need to buy it for myself. I hope you enjoy it as much as I have!

Hope on a Tightrope Book Review
By Kam Williams

"We are now in one of the most truly prophetic moments in the history of America. The poor and very poor are sleeping with self-destruction. The working and middle classes are struggling against paralyzing pessimism and privileged are swinging between cynicism and hedonism. Yes, these are the circumstances that people of conscience must operate under during this moment of national truth or consequences.

We have witnessed the breakdown of the social systems that nurture our children. Our rootless children… have no cultural armor to protect them while negotiating the terrors and traumas of daily life. Young people need a community to sustain them, so that they can look death in the face and deal with disease, dread and despair. These days we are in deep trouble.

The audacity of hope won the 2008 Democratic primary, yet we are still living in the shadow of the vicious realignment of the American electorate, provoked by the media's negative appeals to race and gender and the right-wing propaganda that bashes vulnerable groups… Real hope is grounded in a particularly messy struggle and it can be betrayed by naïve projections of a better future that ignore the necessity of doing the real work. So what we are talking about is hope on a tightrope."

Excerpted from the Introduction (pages 1-6)

As the United States stands poised to make history with the impending presidential election, it takes considerable courage for a very public black intellectual like Dr. Cornel West to refrain from jumping headlong onto the Obama bandwagon. But Professor West has opted to remain true to his core values by sharing the sage insight that an African-American occupying the White House will not automatically mean the struggle for equality is over or that we have realized Dr. King's dream of a post-racial society where one is judged not by the color of his skin but by the content of his character.

In Hope on a Tightrope , an eloquent collection of both audio (on CD) and printed meditations, West indirectly challenges Obama to prove that the "Audacity of Hope" is more than a campaign slogan, asking, "What price are you willing to pay?" And the author goes on to warn that "American politics has a way of grinding the best out of a person" and that "it reduces their prudent judgment into opportunistic behavior."

Undoubtedly, there will be many folks who feel it is unfair to ask Obama to focus on the plight of the least of his brethren even before he's had a chance be inaugurated, let alone revel in the euphoria of his stunning accomplishment. Yet, as implied by the Dr. King metaphor he's been so fond of quoting on the stump, there is a "fierce urgency of now." So I say, Dr. West must be commended for so lovingly and frankly reminding Barack of the meaning of that phrase while exploring a litany of themes in a heartfelt manner, topics ranging from leadership to faith to family to identity to education to spirituality to service to social justice.

A passionate appeal to Obama about his responsibility to the masses and the millions of modest contributors who helped put him in office, plus a timely message that "You can't save the people if you don't serve the people."

Hope on a Tightrope:
Words & Wisdom
by Cornel West
Smiley Books
246 pages, illustrated (Includes a free CD)
ISBN: 1401921868

Friday, July 31, 2009

Say what you need to say.....

Ok, so this isn't jazz, but these lyrics are so very profound. This is 'Say' from the movie, "The Bucket List."
Take a listen....

Letter to my Love...

Recently I have been faced with the thoughts of what it is I'm truly looking for in a man with whom I desire to share my life....whether as my husband or as my companion. I was a rather late bloomer in the relationship category, only within the last 5 years having embarked on this journey of dating. Poor self esteem and body image kept me bound, unable to love myself and certainly not able to really consider loving someone else. The experiences I am now having as a woman in my 30s, are those that most people had some 20 years ago. I seriously have been behind the curve. I dealt with depression and all the challenges of wondering 'Why?' Its just been within the last few years that I have begun to feel comfortable in my skin. I lost 50 pounds a few years ago (only now to have gained it back) and when this happened, it seemed to have opened doors I never knew existed in regards to the opposite sex. Some good, some not so good. I made mistakes. I encountered some real jerks. But, I did come in contact with a few men who really knew how to treat a woman, respectfully and gentlemanly....chivalry is definitely not out of style! You understand that life is full of choices, and you can either make those choices out of wisdom or out of feeling. Feelings get you in trouble almost every time! Judge all things and have it settled in your heart and mind what you WON'T allow. If you remain too 'open-minded' you just might let something or someone in you were not expecting and do not want. Your love and affection are priceless gifts that should not be squandered on a man who will never know how to appreciate them.
I wrote this note once to a man in my life and it has now become the standard by which I judge all others. I had it tucked away, but sometimes its good just to REMEMBER, so you can refocus and continue moving forward in confidence and steadfastness.
"...i just want you to know these much i truly appreciate you, our friendship, what we share, how you treat me, the way you care about talk freely and openly with me, you don't play me, you don't mess with my emotions, you don't make unrealistic expectations and plans, you say what you mean and you mean what you say. You empower me and encourage me, you ask tough questions and you challenge cause me to think support me and listen to me....and you help me be better and do better. i don't know what i did to deserve such a friend, such a lover, as you, but I am so very truly blessed."

Supreme Love....

This song has been heavy on my mind this week. The title itself gives you an indication as to what your mind should be contemplating. The first track on the album is called 'Acknowledgment.' The first step towards comprehension...acknowledgment. Take a listen...

Friday, July 3, 2009


These are flowers along the edge of my Aunt Lylah's house...SO pretty!

(poem written 6.11.06)

to write is to give your thoughts a voice~ expression.
its an opening up of your soul, a releasing of your deepest thoughts, opinions, desires~
its imagination. its experience. its love. its life. its being the person hidden deep down inside,
without fear. its speaking in a language only those with a trained ear can hear and eyes to see can appreciate and understand. its an awareness to never settle but always pressing to go higher and never looking back. to give love, to share love. the love within you for life and being and doing and seeing.


The photo above is my hometown, Bremen, Indiana. I snapped this on my flight home to surprise my parents last week. I just happened to look down about 10 minutes out of South Bend and it was the most perfect timing! I realized I could see the Sunnyside Park pool and tennis courts, and the softball diamond where I played so many summers. With my eyes, I followed IN-106 to 331 and could see my Aunt & Uncle's home just outside of town. It was amazing! Ahhh, perspective.....

(poem written 5.26.06)

We are what we behold~
At least that's what I've been told.
What consumes your mind?
What eats up your time?
Is it really all worthwhile,
or just worthy of the trash pile?
Time is of the essence.
There's no guarantee of tomorrow,
let alone the next minute.
Life is funny, situations and circumstances correcting our perspective.
The seemingly gigantic obstacles are mere flecks of dust in the grand scheme.
We must find what's important and keep that in view,
Because each day we're given God makes all things new.


(poem written 6.7.06)

Michigan in the Fall
Red brown orange yellow
colors galore
crisp afternoon air
the smell of burning leaves
reminders of times spent with no worries at all
football games
sock hops
first crushes
and study hall
reminiscing of adolescent times when I couldn't even drive to the mall.
life changes
priorities rearranged
memories fade
bodies age
but specific moments in time remain imbedded in our minds...
to recall and relive the sublime.

Momma & Daddy

I love you without knowing how, or when, or from where,
I love you simply, without problems or pride.
I love you in this way because I don't know any other way of loving but this,
In which there is no I or you,
So intimate that your hand on my chest is my hand,
So intimate that when I fall asleep, it is your eyes that close.

Sonnet XVII
~ Pablo Neruda

Janine Gilbert-Carter

Janine Gilbert-Carter, songstress extraordinaire (in my opinion!), will be embarking on an Italian Tour, October 26th through November 11th. She will be traveling to Torino, Italy, sponsored by Centro Jazz Torino as a part of their 19th Edition of the Blues all Femminile. Accompanying her will be, Eric Byrd on piano, Wes 'Sugar' Biles on bass, Jeff Neal on drums, and Brian Settles on sax. This will be Janine's first trip to Italy and the masses will be blown away by her rich, bluesy, and soulful voice, but will also be mesmerized by her gift to swing! I just wish I could go along on this trip! I have gotten to know Janine over the last couple of years, and we are actually neighbors (she lives on the 11th floor and I live on the 6th floor in the same building!) I have seen her perform many, many times, and each time is just like the first time all over again. I NEVER get tired of hearing her sing. Never. For more info on the tour, you can go to or

Janine Gilbert-Carter singing Stormy Monday

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Priceless Expression

(poem written 6.29.06)
We are beautiful and valuable simply because we exist,
not for what we can do or offer,
either to an individual or to the whole of society.
We are more than our occupation or our talents.
Can we not just 'be' and find our sufficiency?
Be happy. Be content. Be hopeful. Don't lament.
Open your eyes and see the possibilities,
each day is a gift, just take the keys!
You're in the driver's seat.
Take special care and be aware of those
with whom you share the thoroughfare.
We're all on a journey, pursuing all we can.
No more blindness, have only kindness for our fellow man,
remembering the inherent value we each carry within.

The ABCs of Wine Tasting

The ABCs of Wine Tasting
By Thomas Matthews

Drinking wine is easy: tilt glass and swallow. Tasting wine is more of a challenge. You need special tools, the proper environment, keen concentration, a good memory and a vivid imagination. But after three or four glasses, the basic effect is the same either way. So why bother? I'm a baseball fan. When I take a friend who knows nothing about the sport to the ballpark, he may enjoy the crowd, down a hot dog, cheer if someone hits a home run. The rest of the time he's asking me, What's the big deal? One guy throws a ball, the other guy misses it. But for me, every pitch is a small drama: what the pitcher chooses to throw, how the defense sets up, where the batter tries to hit it, how the strategies play out. When nine innings are over, we both know the score. But while my friend may have passed a pleasant afternoon, I've been totally absorbed in the game.Life can be lived in a casual way, or plumbed to the depths. We all choose how and where to spend our energy and attention. You may play music, cook seriously, tend a lovely garden. Maybe the things you love aren't vital, but they make life richer. Passion is never wasted effort.That's why wine lovers learn to taste. We know that the effort we put into understanding and appreciating wine—as opposed to simply enjoying it (or its psychotropic effects)—pays big dividends. Really tasting wine adds an extra dimension to the basic daily routines of eating and drinking. It turns obligation into pleasure,
a daily necessity into a celebration of life.

Ravi Coltrane Quartet

My Present Place of Residence

This is my neighborhood! Great neighbors, huh? I visited here as a child and remember being in awe that I was in the 'President's town.' The buildings were so big and there was so much to see. I still find myself amazed that I am living here...still sometimes feel like a tourist when I walk The Mall or visit a museum or lie on the marble benches surrounding the Washington Monument. I can't help but take photo after photo of what my eyes see....its almost as if I don't want to miss any change in perspective, because the sky could be bluer, the clouds could be drifting across the sky in a more dramatic pattern, or the flags could be waving, almost dancing in the wind. I just don't want to miss a thing! I don't think this place will EVER lose its enchanting power over me. Its a beauty and a wonder! Although it has been a challenging year living here, and even though my dearest, most loved friends and family are so far from me, I am thankful that I challenged myself enough to move here, and now stay another year. I didn't want to look back on my life and think, "What if I had only..." I purpose in my heart to learn and grow and appreciate all that this beautiful and wonderful city has to offer!

This is the life!

This is my Mother's cat, Jax. He is demonstrating the proper way to handle the day. I would propose that we could learn much from a cat (and for all of you dog lovers, the same could probably be said.) Cats are a quite confident, wise, and well-rounded species of animal. They strut their way through life, they've mastered the art of cuddling, they understand the importance of rest, and they know not to over eat. Ahh, the simple life!

Jazz, to me...
(poem written 3.11.07)
Transpiring intervals;
Periods of existence moving between two nights.
Seconds turning to minutes,
Minutes turning to hours,
Ever increasing and never ceasing,
Until at last, we achieve an epiphany regarding the necessity
for the appreciation of melodies,
And a deep regard for true sound.
Notes in syncopated rhythm evoking a transformation of the mind,
And a profound alteration of the soul.
Saxophones summon a sensual response,
As instruments evolve into more than a device for producing music.
Rather, revealed to be extraordinary tools in their master's hands.
Complexities of life fade,
The gentle lilt of the lyricist leading listeners on a journey,
Expanding the intellect,
Creating an environment of pure sensation and expression.


I Have Arrived!

Dun-dun da daaa!
Here I the land of Blogging! I have transitioned from the great big world of social networking to this grand stage of blogs. I have wondered at times, as I considered starting a blog after reading some friends blogs, if I would ever or could ever have enough to say to keep a blog going. However, I'm a chatty gal, and I'm always thinking about something, whether its music or traveling or simply just living life. So I figured, why not investigate blogs...try it on and see how it fits. I do dabble in writing poetry and journaling from time to time so maybe this is just a natural outlet, a most logical progression of expression? We will see, won't we?
I love taking photos, whether with my camera phone or my digital camera, so I will be sure to post my visual expressions, showing my life in DC, various jazz gigs and musicians, flowers, family, friends, my travels, etcetera, etcetera, etcetera.
So, come along with me as I embark on this adventure!